Lesser known fact: Britain had its own pulps, among the best were Hutchinson’s stable of Adventure Story, Mystery Story and Sovereign. The contents were often reprints from Clayton and/or Fiction House pulps (The US pulps featured stories from the British pulps, too). The covers, though, were originals and they were stunning, exotic scenes. They’re all very rare and no complete runs are known.
I found a few ads for them in other books of the period. Here they are, starting with the earliest and dullest in 1923.

By 1924, illustrations were there in the ads.
A few for the Sovereign magazine, which ran some weird fiction, including reprints from Weird Tales and Ghost Stories.

Hutchinson’s Mystery Story contained an oddball mix of mystery and weird literature.

Adventure Story was more action/adventure. Mystery Story merged with this title later.

while Hutchinson’s Magazine (later Hutchinson’s Story Magazine), was the flagship featuring mostly blander fiction for a general audience.

I’ll see if i can find my photos of some issues I took during the last few years. Any photos you care to send me are welcome too.