Excerpt from Altar of the Legion – novel by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur and Farnham Bishop

The Altar of the Legion is a novel of post-Arthurian Britain, set in the time the Saxons were invading England (around 400 AD). It is one of the best stories from Brodeur and Bishop. This excerpt contains the foreword and the first three chapters, which include a chase and a battle. If you want more,… Continue reading Excerpt from Altar of the Legion – novel by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur and Farnham Bishop

Drums drone death – novella by J. Allan Dunn

A detective story set in the South Seas. With a brainy he-man detective, pidgin talking natives, effete Britishers, pounding jungle drums, a blow gun attacks, a native witch doctor, Yellow peril Japanese, a secret plot against America and a beautiful girl in a negligee  – Allan Dunn covers all the standard tropes. Did I mention… Continue reading Drums drone death – novella by J. Allan Dunn

The Bust of Lincoln – short story by James Francis Dwyer

This short story by James Francis Dwyer is not remotely pulpish. It was a very popular story in its time, and was reprinted as a book. It reminds me of O’Henry and John Collier. Link after the jump. Download the story here.

Categorized as Stories

Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 4

Harold Lamb wrote more than forty stories of the Cossack adventurers. Luckily for us, all his stories are back in print, thanks to the efforts of Howard Andrew Jones. In this bibliography, I want to give a flavor of the stories, the exotic locales and the different people that Khlit and others meet on their adventures,… Continue reading Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 4

Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 3

Harold Lamb wrote more than forty stories of the Cossack adventurers. Luckily for us, all his stories are back in print, thanks to the efforts of Howard Andrew Jones.   In this bibliography, I want to give a flavor of the stories, the exotic locales and the different people that Khlit and others meet on their… Continue reading Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 3

Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 2

Harold Lamb wrote more than forty stories of the Cossack adventurers. Luckily for us, all his stories are back in print, thanks to the efforts of Howard Andrew Jones. In this bibliography, I want to give a flavor of the stories, the exotic locales and the different people that Khlit and others meet on their adventures,… Continue reading Annotated bibliography of Harold Lamb’s Cossack stories – part 2

Harold Lamb’s Thrilling Cossack Adventures – quick summaries, Part 1

Harold Lamb wrote more than forty stories of the Cossack adventurers. Luckily for us, all his stories are back in print, thanks to the efforts of Howard Andrew Jones. In this bibliography, I want to give a flavor of the stories, the exotic locales and the different people that Khlit and others meet on their adventures,… Continue reading Harold Lamb’s Thrilling Cossack Adventures – quick summaries, Part 1