I saw a post on a Facebook group about an artist copying (swiping) a cover from a previous issue of another magazine, and i also heard that it was done many times. I decided to take a deeper look into this, you decide if it’s swipe or inspiration. Leave comments with your thoughts.
Shadows at the waterhole (1907) by Frederic Remington vs. Adventure May 15, 1931 by L.F. Wilford |
Adventure 1936 May cover by Walter Baumhofer vs Short Stories Feb 25 1938 by A.R.Tilburne |
Adventure March 1 1932 cover by G.C. Delano vs Short Stories December 25 1936 by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure July 1934 cover by Walter Baumhofer vs Short Stories January 10 1937 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure June 1 1931 cover by Remington Schuyler vs Short Stories March 25 1937 cover by A.R. Tilburne |
Adventure May 1931 cover by Remington Schuyler vs Short Stories April 25 1937 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure June 1934 cover by Walter Baumhofer vs Short Stories September 25 1937 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure March 1936 cover by Hubert Rogers vs Short Stories April 10 1938 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure November 10 1929 cover by Hubert Rogers vs Short Stories July 25 1938 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure December 15 1930 cover by G.C. Delano vs Short Stories May 10 1939 cover by A.R. Tilburne |
Adventure December 1939 cover by Wesley Neff vs Short Stories December 10 1943 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Adventure March 15 1928 cover by Dominic Cammerota vs Short Stories February 10 1946 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Interior illustration for Dusky by Jim Kjelgaard from Short Stories February 10 1946 |
And this last one has to be unique, the same artist on both sides
Adventure September 1941 cover by A. R. Tilburne vs Short Stories September 10 1944 cover by A. R. Tilburne |
Looks like Tilburne was involved in a lot of swiping or perhaps inspiration. But some definite swipes would be when he copied Walter Baumhofer. Also the first one which shows a swipe of Remington.
The first one's actually by a different artist – L.F. Wilford.
I did not realize that Tilburne did so much swiping. Thanks for doing the research on this. I would not call it inspiration. If you copy your own work I do not see anything wrong with that. As I collected Weird Tales for decades I was familiar with his work for that magazine although I was never very impressed with it. I have to admit that I have a copy of the Short Stories with the tiger and I think it is pretty nice.
I just bought a painting by G C Delano he's a very well renowned Navajo painter it is called at the waterhole if you put it up against the waterhole swipe the painting is by a rank amateur
I really admire Delano's work for Adventure magazine. Care to share a link to a photo of your painting?