A collection of illustration art links.
In the “But is it pulp?” department:
Glenn Bray’s 800-page book of comic book, pulp magazine, and book covers is available for pre-order

Eyes on the stars
The pulp magazines were printed on cheap paper, their covers were often colored brightly and done amateurishly. But there’s nothing like those vintage covers to tickle your sense of wonder. Here are 47 of them, in high-resolution, by Frank R. Paul
The same site has artworks by Tom Lovell, Norman Saunders, Emery Clarke, H. L. Parkhurst, Earle K. Bergey, Ed Valigursky,
George Gross, Margaret Brundage, Rafael de Soto and of course, Virgil Finlay.
Why work when you can ooh and aah over what’s on screen?
Woman in Swamp by Rafael de Soto
Gorgeous piece. Click to visit the seller’s site where you can zoom in and see different views.
If that doesn’t catch your fancy, maybe this will.
H. L. Parkhurst
Cover for Complete Detective Novel Magazine, Feb 1931. Has a second painting on the back side. Click picture to visit seller’s site and see it.
Visit the paperback library
And spare a few seconds to ponder the plight of librarians of today, as seen through that lovely illustration art we all love. Click the image below for many more. What’s your favorite?