John Russell, whose short story, The Lost God, was featured on this blog earlier started his career as a newspaperman, moved on to writing short stories for magazines and ended as a screenplay writer for Fox Studios. He worked on the screenplay of Frankenstein (1931), a few movies based on his own stories and Beau… Continue reading John Russell – Newspaperman, Short Story Writer and Scenarist
Author: Sai S
Fanny Ellsworth article on writing western stories for Ranch Romances
Fanny Ellsworth, editor of Ranch Romances and Black Mask magazine Fanny Ellsworth was one of the many uncredited women editors of the pulps who did an excellent job editing Ranch Romances – the longest running pulp that appeared from 1924 to 1971 – and Black Mask (the premier detective pulp that had the first print appearances… Continue reading Fanny Ellsworth article on writing western stories for Ranch Romances
Article on editing by Ray Long – magazine editor
Here’s an article on editing by Ray Long, one of the top American magazine editors of the early 20th Century. The article originally appeared in the January 1927 issue of The Bookman. At the time that this article was written, Long was at the peak of his career, editing Cosmopolitan magazine, a very different magazine… Continue reading Article on editing by Ray Long – magazine editor
Arthur S. Hoffman – Profile of Fritz Duquesne, adventurer
Fritz Duquesne was an adventurer who wrote some stories for Adventure magazine. Sekokoeni’s Raid (ar) Dec 1910 The Man-Eaters of M’wembi (ar) Jan 1911 When the Rain Was Red (ss) Sep 1911 The Fighting Dwarfs of the Congo (ar) Jun 1912 A Fire-Hunt at Kivu (ar) Dec 1913 Adventurer and Avenger – article about Fritz… Continue reading Arthur S. Hoffman – Profile of Fritz Duquesne, adventurer
Pulp AdventureCon 2016
Photos: Pulp AdventureCon 2016 – Panoramic View (click to see more detail) Dealers are collectors too Some rare magazines and books John Gunnison of Adventure House had this new line of pulp art there John Gunnison of Adventure House had this new line of pulp art there Many old magazines (Collier’s, American Weekly, Saturday Evening… Continue reading Pulp AdventureCon 2016
Dee Linford – Western Author, Journalist, Technical Writer
Dee Linford is not a well known author today, remembered if at all as the author of the story Man Without A Star, which was made into two movies, Man Without A Star (1955), A Man Called Gannon (1968), and an episode of a TV series, The Virginian, in 1963. He wrote a series of… Continue reading Dee Linford – Western Author, Journalist, Technical Writer
Kindle edition of Richard Matheson’s classic vampire story, I am Legend $2 at
The Kindle edition of Richard Matheson’s classic vampire story, I am Legend, is now on sale at for $2. Those of you with an allergy to ebooks can ignore this, others should pick this right up. Matheson delivers a knockout punch at the end of what seems to be just another apocalyptic “vampires are… Continue reading Kindle edition of Richard Matheson’s classic vampire story, I am Legend $2 at
Clarence Budington Kelland – The transmigration of a sheep
This is a change from the usual content from the pulp magazines – a story from one of the slick magazines – Country Gentleman. This magazine was a sister publication of the Saturday Evening Post, aimed at farmers. Country Gentleman magazine, January 1931 cover courtesy This particular story is one of a series about… Continue reading Clarence Budington Kelland – The transmigration of a sheep
In memoriam – Bob Weinberg (1946-2016), pulp and art collector extraordinaire
Recently, I got the sad news that Robert (Bob) Weinberg, pulp and art collector extraordinaire a passed away. I didn’t know Bob very well, I spoke to him only a few times, but he shared his knowledge and passion for pulp magazines and art with me in many ways. Robert (Bob) Weinberg – portrait by… Continue reading In memoriam – Bob Weinberg (1946-2016), pulp and art collector extraordinaire
Improbably beautiful covers #1 – Western Story Magazine, December 21, 1929 cover by Gayle Hoskins
Western Story Magazine, December 21, 1929 cover by Gayle Hoskins Another minute, and there would have been only a red dot on the ground, so i suppose this was the more interesting moment…a very well painted one at that. Gayle Hoskins manages to give the impression of a immense herd of bison very well in… Continue reading Improbably beautiful covers #1 – Western Story Magazine, December 21, 1929 cover by Gayle Hoskins