Neil Martin (1885-1963) was brought up in Laredo, Texas. The Galveston hurricane of 1900 devastated his family and caused him to take up life as a sailor, before an accident made him leave the sea. By the late 1920s, he was out of work and looking for a way to earn a living. At the time… Continue reading Pulp Reprints: Collected Stories of the Sea by Neil Martin
Author: Sai S
Happy Pulpy Independence Day, USA
Some pulp and other magazine covers to celebrate the 4th of July. Happy Independence Day to our American readers. These magazine covers featuring the American flag are from World War 2, in July 1942. Seven months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, morale was low, war bond sales (funding the war effort) were low, and the fear… Continue reading Happy Pulpy Independence Day, USA
From the pulps to the slicks – A letter to the Saturday Evening Post from the Argosy magazine’s editor
Many authors made sales to the pulp markets before appearing in the slicks. Usually neither they nor the magazine editors paid much attention to their prior work and did not trouble to call them out. The letter below must have spoken for many pulp magazine editors, surely. This letter originally appeared in the letters column… Continue reading From the pulps to the slicks – A letter to the Saturday Evening Post from the Argosy magazine’s editor
Gone North by Charles Alden Seltzer
Altus Press just released the Argosy Library Series 1 – 10 books that originally appeared in Argosy magazine. I picked up a few of them, and added them to the to be read pile in my ebook library. Then I went over to James Reasoner’s blog, where he wrote a review of Charles Alden Seltzer’s book.… Continue reading Gone North by Charles Alden Seltzer
Pulps in the news – roundup
What’s Zorro doing in Ohio? Editors of 1930s pulp Spicy Detective have some thoughts on keeping it classy Exploring Rusty Hevelin’s sci-fi and fantasy pulp collection at the University of Iowa Retired UNL professor expresses love for sci-fi, ‘Weird Tales’ Book Review: Pulp Macabre: The Art of Lee… Continue reading Pulps in the news – roundup
Interview with Matthew White Jr. – Editor of the Argosy
This interview originally appeared in the magazine, THE EDITOR, dated October 1904. Interviews with Editors. BY BURKE JENKINS. MATTHEW WHITE, JR., OF THE ARGOSY. SOME TIMES we feel in a somewhat light and flippant mood when we go on these little interviewing expeditions. Not that we are not always keenly alive to our… Continue reading Interview with Matthew White Jr. – Editor of the Argosy
Collector’s nightmare Imagine collecting this magazine, just this issue alone would take a lifetime.
Matthew White Jr. – Author, Editor of the Argosy magazine
A profile of the editor of Argosy magazine from 1886-1928 Matthew White Jr., Editor of the Argosy magazine Matthew White Jr. was born on September 21, 1857 in Greenwich village, the son of Matthew and Sybilla McMinn White. He studied for two years in France and Germany and then began his career as an author… Continue reading Matthew White Jr. – Author, Editor of the Argosy magazine
Harold Lamb on selling his first story of Khlit the Cossack
This article was originally published in the February 25, 1918 issue of THE EDITOR magazine. Harold A. Lamb talks about the influence of editors on his first story of Khlit the Cossack and how he came to write it. The editor he refers to in the story is likely Arthur S. Hoffman. Original heading for… Continue reading Harold Lamb on selling his first story of Khlit the Cossack
Howard Van Lieu Bloomfield – Author, Editor, Sailor, Newspaper Publisher
Howard V. L. Bloomfield was one of the better editors of Adventure magazine after Arthur S. Hoffman left the magazine. He increased the page count of the magazine, which had dropped to 96 pages an issue, increased its frequency from monthly to twice a month and revitalized the magazine by getting new stories from old… Continue reading Howard Van Lieu Bloomfield – Author, Editor, Sailor, Newspaper Publisher