Interview with Matthew White Jr. – Editor of the Argosy

This interview originally appeared in the magazine, THE EDITOR, dated October 1904. Interviews with Editors. BY BURKE JENKINS.   MATTHEW WHITE, JR., OF THE ARGOSY.   SOME TIMES we feel in a somewhat light and flippant mood when we go on these little interviewing expeditions. Not that we are not always keenly alive to our… Continue reading Interview with Matthew White Jr. – Editor of the Argosy

Collector’s nightmare Imagine collecting this magazine, just this issue alone would take a lifetime.

Harold Lamb on selling his first story of Khlit the Cossack

This article was originally published in the February 25, 1918 issue of The Editor magazine. Harold A. Lamb talks about the influence of editors on his first story of Khlit the Cossack and how he came to write it. The editor he refers to in the story is likely Arthur S. Hoffman. “Khlit” (Adventure) is a… Continue reading Harold Lamb on selling his first story of Khlit the Cossack

Howard Van Lieu Bloomfield – Author, Editor, Sailor, Newspaper Publisher

Howard V. L. Bloomfield was one of the better editors of Adventure magazine after Arthur S. Hoffman left the magazine. He increased the page count of the magazine, which had dropped to 96 pages an issue, increased its frequency from monthly to twice a month and revitalized the magazine by getting new stories from old… Continue reading Howard Van Lieu Bloomfield – Author, Editor, Sailor, Newspaper Publisher

Categorized as Authors

Charles Agnew MacLean – Editor of the Popular Magazine

From the April 10, 1920 issue of the magazine Advertising and Selling, comes this article about Charles Agnew Maclean, the editor of the Popular Magazine. The Men and Women Who Make Our Mediums: Charles Agnew MacLean One of a Series of Informal Visits with the Leading American Editors and Publishers with the Object of Interpreting… Continue reading Charles Agnew MacLean – Editor of the Popular Magazine

Appeal: Author Gordon Young’s relatives – contact information

Some time ago, I wrote an article on the author Gordon Young on this blog. The author’s grand-daughter, Christine, left a comment on the blog: Greetings. This is Christine, the granddaughter of Gordon Young. My mother and I attended Pulpcon those so many years ago.I trust all is well with you.Thank you for your continued… Continue reading Appeal: Author Gordon Young’s relatives – contact information

Categorized as Authors

Commander Edward Ellsberg’s books and auto-biography reissued

Good news. The books of Commander Ellsberg, about whom I wrote earlier in this blog, and his multi-volume auto-biography, have been republished. The story of Commander Ellsberg: part 1, part 2, part 3 The not so good news is that they are available only in ebook format. However, you can read them on your computer,… Continue reading Commander Edward Ellsberg’s books and auto-biography reissued