Magazine recirculation – life after the newsstand

From the New York Times, Mar 22, 1936:   OLD MAGAZINES TRAVEL WIDELY   FOR many an old magazine the wastebasket is not, by any means, the end of the trail. Janitors and waste-paper dealers conspire to salvage an amazing proportion of all printed matter not given directly to welfare organizations. Once reclaimed, periodicals are classified… Continue reading Magazine recirculation – life after the newsstand

Biblio-maniacal thoughts from Bohumil Hrabal’s Too Loud a Solitude

Pulpfest 2013 just ended, and as usual, I did  could not attend (Plane tickets alone would have cost me 1300$ or more). Unable to be there, I was drowning my regrets in cheap drinks and costly books as usual. One of those books was Bohumil Hrabal‘s Too Loud a Solitude and on reading it I thought… Continue reading Biblio-maniacal thoughts from Bohumil Hrabal’s Too Loud a Solitude

Short story by Robert V. Carr – Business Letters of a Cowboy

From the Popular Magazine, January 7, 1916, comes this funny story of a cowboy. Robert V. Carr, the author, was a famous cowboy poet. Thanks to the PulpMags project for providing the original scans of this. I wish I could get the other stories in the series. Anyone who can share, please drop a line… Continue reading Short story by Robert V. Carr – Business Letters of a Cowboy

J. D. Newsom – Obituary in the New York Times (April 27 1954)

John D. Newsom, author, editor and former national director of the Federal Writers Project of the old Works Progress Administration, died Saturday of a heart attack aboard the Home liner Roma on the way to Italy. Mr. Newsom was about 60 years old and recently had resided on a farm In Bucks County, Pa. Mr.… Continue reading J. D. Newsom – Obituary in the New York Times (April 27 1954)

Foreign Legion stories – great blog

For those of you who are fans of Foreign Legion stories in the pulps, the Mon Legionnaire blog is a gold mine. It has short fiction by Theodore Roscoe, Georges Surdez, Robert Carse and J. D. Newsom. It  also has a lot of interesting non-fiction articles on the Foreign Legion. Click here to see only the stories.

Gordon MacCreagh – Trapped by a man-eater

Gordon MacCreagh tells a story of his hunting days in Burma. Trapped By a Man-Eater “A witch tiger,” the Burmese natives said. “The soul of a sorcerer inhabits this one.” Already the man-eater had claimed three victims, and Gordon MacCreagh, whose story wins first prize in a “Narrowest Escape from Death” contest, was “sitting up”… Continue reading Gordon MacCreagh – Trapped by a man-eater

Charles Beadle on writing fiction and selling his first novel

Article from Charles Beadle about writing, his first book sale and other thoughts. Charles Beadle wrote stories set in Africa, some of which appeared in Adventure magazine. Some of his work has been collected in The City of Baal, and The Land of Ophir, both published by Off-Trail Press. You can find a very detailed review of… Continue reading Charles Beadle on writing fiction and selling his first novel

Gotham’s Sanitation Corps Real Athletes of Nation (not pulp-related)

Once in a while, as I trawl through old newspapers looking for pulp references, I come across articles which are interesting, but not pulp related. This is one of those. From The Oregonian, April 29, 1941 Gotham’s Sanitation Corps Real Athletes of Nation BY BOB CONSIDINE International News Service Sports Writer   NEW YORK, April 28… Continue reading Gotham’s Sanitation Corps Real Athletes of Nation (not pulp-related)

Author profile: J Paul Suter (Newspaper article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1951)

Quiet Youngstown Executive Writes Thrillers for Pulps  YOUNGSTOWN, O., May 14 Suter, a mild-mannered, dig­nified, gray-haired gentleman of 66, is secretary-treasurer of the Stambaugh Estates, Inc., the Stambaugh Auditorium Association and the Scioto Land Co. here. He goes to church regularly and is active in Y. M. C. A. affairs. But he also leads a… Continue reading Author profile: J Paul Suter (Newspaper article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1951)

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