I’ve updated the store with links to recent releases of interest. You might want to take a look.
Author: Sai S
Review: The Adventures of Jehannum Smith by Gordon MacCreagh
This is a collection of six stories (including one serial) published by Black Dog Books. The stories were originally written by Gordon MacCreagh for Argosy magazine from 1919-1920. It also has a comprehensive 31 page biography of the author by Tom Roberts, with 10 photos of the author and other illustrations. Tom Roberts makes… Continue reading Review: The Adventures of Jehannum Smith by Gordon MacCreagh
Map of Adventure
I spent some time putting Adventure’s series characters on a map so that you could pick an adventure of an area you choose, and I think I did a reasonable job of it. If you have additional characters I could include, drop a line in the comments section.
New photo and some information about Hapsburg Liebe
Just came across a blog article on Hapsburg Liebe, with a new photo and some information about how many pulp stories he wrote. Read the article here.
Nothing but the truth – short story by Albert R. Wetjen
Tall tales of the sea by Albert R. Wetjen, originally published in Argosy, 19 October 1935. Enjoy.
Albert R. Wetjen – Sailor, Writer
[ Albert Richard Wetjen appeared 42 times in Adventure. He also wrote for other pulps (Argosy, Blue Book) and slicks (Collier’s, Saturday Evening Post). He ran away from home at the age of 14 to become a sailor, became an author at 22, and died at the age of 48.] Albert Richard Wetjen was born… Continue reading Albert R. Wetjen – Sailor, Writer
Editor’s Choice – Harry E. Maule of Short Stories on his criteria for selecting stories
Source: The stories editors buy and why, Ed. Jean Wick, Publisher: Small, Maynard and Company, 1921 THE best, indeed the only reply to the question as to the needs of a magazine that I can think of is — read it. That is the answer for Short Stories. When a writer asks me what we… Continue reading Editor’s Choice – Harry E. Maule of Short Stories on his criteria for selecting stories
Hugh Pendexter on making his first fiction sale
[Source: My Maiden effort, Ed. Gelet Burgess, Published by Doubleday, Page and Company, 1921] My very first effort was written at the age of fourteen. Never having been out of New England, I made it a Western story. I endeavored to imitate Bret Harte, but with the avowed purpose of making it snappier. Every other… Continue reading Hugh Pendexter on making his first fiction sale
Free pulp stories at Munsey’s – selected authors
I haven’t been posting short fiction lately, so I thought you might enjoy this roundup of pulp fiction available from the Munsey’ssite by authors who have been featured on this site (or should have been). Marion Polk Angellotti The Firefly of France B.M. Bower Ananias Green Cabin Fever Casey Ryan Chip of the Flying… Continue reading Free pulp stories at Munsey’s – selected authors
Biography of Warren Hastings Miller – author, outdoorsman, sailor, editor
The article can be found here. James Reasoner has a review of the Black Dog collection of Miller’s Captain Jim Colvin stories here.