Flappers, Cowboys, Slabbing and your guides to the pulp world

Recently, a reader of this blog reached out to me and asked for suggestions for pulp authors to read, having exhausted this blog. Part of this blog is for him and other passers-by. But first, the flappers Flappers A review of the book: Cowboys Louis L’Amour takes a look back on the history and mythology… Continue reading Flappers, Cowboys, Slabbing and your guides to the pulp world

Review: Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine: So bad it’s good

Most of the time, I review pulps that I like after having read them. Not so with Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine (FGSAM). Reading it was like watching a badly-made B-movie, and since Mystery Science Theatre 3000 showed that an audience exists that appreciates such a thing, here’s my attempt to grab a slice of… Continue reading Review: Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine: So bad it’s good