Recent books I’ve enjoyed

This list shouldn’t surprise anyone who hasn’t been hiding in a cave all summer. Altus Press has been doing an excellent job reprinting some very good authors, many of whom have been featured on this site. I have linked to the Ebook editions which are an excellent deal at $2.99 each; the books are also… Continue reading Recent books I’ve enjoyed

Leonard H. Nason’s advice on writing adventure stories

DOING THE ADVENTURE STORY By Leonard H. Nason [Originally appeared in How to write for a living, Trentwell Mason White (Ed.), published ] THE adventure story is probably easier to write than any other kind of yarn. The action to be followed by the narrative is already there, or there would be no idea in… Continue reading Leonard H. Nason’s advice on writing adventure stories

5 most significant pulp magazines?

What would be your picks for the 5 most significant pulps? One student of pulp history picks a top 5 including Argosy, Black Mask and Weird Tales. But there’s a surprise or two in there. What would you pick?

Read online: Western Story Magazine July 27, 1940 and more

With a novel by T.T. Flynn and stories by S. Omar Barker and others, looks like a must read. Courtesy the Western Games blog. Go to the end of the article to open the magazine. The same site also has a bunch of pulp western stories available.

Categorized as Westerns

Pulp Art – Drawings and Paintings from Windy City 2014

I really enjoyed the art at Windy City, and thought I’d share what I saw there with you. Please excuse the quality of photos, some reflections could not be avoided: To see the photos in their full resolution, click on the … at the bottom right, and then click on View Original.

Arthur S. Hoffman’s departure from Adventure magazine – an update

A long time ago, when I published my first article on Arthur S. Hoffman, I mentioned that he probably left because the management changes to the editorial direction of Adventure magazine were not to his liking. Walker Martin disagreed with me on this, saying Hoffman wanted to make Adventure a higher quality magazine, and his… Continue reading Arthur S. Hoffman’s departure from Adventure magazine – an update