Why do we read adventure fiction?

From the Blue Book magazine, August 1935, Donald Kennicott’s (editor) views on discovering lost worlds and losing oneself in a world of reading. Enchanted Lands MANY years ago the writer was a homesteader in southern New Mexico. And once or twice during the four years of his sojourn there, he heard some wandering cowboy or sheep-herder remark… Continue reading Why do we read adventure fiction?

Christmas stocking stuffers – The Big Book of Swashbuckling Adventure

This book includes stories by Harold Lamb, Farnham Bishop and Marion Polk Angelotti, among others. Amazon is running a promotion where you can take 25% off the cost of any one book, using coupon BOOKDEAL25. <br /> The anthologist talks about how he chose the stories for this book here. Reviews: Michael Dirda picks this… Continue reading Christmas stocking stuffers – The Big Book of Swashbuckling Adventure

Pulp cover art exhibition at the Portland Public Library, Maine

 The Portland Public Library is currently exhibiting the Robert Lesser collection of pulp cover art, and this is a video interview with Joshua David Bergey, grandson of pulp artist Earle K. Bergey. The video has some footage of the original paintings, including the original of this spectacular one from Weird Tales: Weird Tales pulp magazine cover… Continue reading Pulp cover art exhibition at the Portland Public Library, Maine

Recent books I’ve enjoyed

This list shouldn’t surprise anyone who hasn’t been hiding in a cave all summer. Altus Press has been doing an excellent job reprinting some very good authors, many of whom have been featured on this site. I have linked to the Ebook editions which are an excellent deal at $2.99 each; the books are also… Continue reading Recent books I’ve enjoyed

Leonard H. Nason’s advice on writing adventure stories

DOING THE ADVENTURE STORY By Leonard H. Nason [Originally appeared in How to write for a living, Trentwell Mason White (Ed.), published ] THE adventure story is probably easier to write than any other kind of yarn. The action to be followed by the narrative is already there, or there would be no idea in… Continue reading Leonard H. Nason’s advice on writing adventure stories