Two Harold Lamb stories – Samples from University of Nebraska Press

  Two short stories from Harold Lamb for your reading pleasure. These stories are excerpts from the Harold Lamb collections, Swords from the Sea and Swords from the East, published by University of Nebraska Press. They also contain the introductions to these collections, so if you want to know more about them before buying, here’s… Continue reading Two Harold Lamb stories – Samples from University of Nebraska Press

Western Pulps from the Pulp Magazines Project

Some Western pulps have been added to the Pulp Magazines Project collection: Includes stories by W.C. Tuttle, Ernest Haycox, H.A. DeRosso, Walt Coburn, Hapsburg Liebe, Johnston McCulley, S. Omar Barker and others. Click on the links below the pictures to open the magazine. Support them in any way you can. THE FEUDISTS by Ernest Haycox… Continue reading Western Pulps from the Pulp Magazines Project

Altus Press reprints from Dime Detective and Black Mask

  We live in an amazing time when a lot of pulp stories are being reprinted. Reprints from Altus Press (wide range of pulpy stuff), Black Dog Books (focuses on adventure pulps) and Haffner Press (concentrates on science fiction and fantasy, with some detective stuff as well), to mention a few, are doing an amazing… Continue reading Altus Press reprints from Dime Detective and Black Mask

Categorized as Detective

Black Mask – recent reprints

 Recently, I’ve been seeing an increasing number of reprints from Black Mask, the hard-boiled crime fiction magazine magazine. Black Mask was the magazine that first published authors like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, the creators of the American private eye story. Otto Penzler, the editor of the Black Mask series of reprints, talks about it… Continue reading Black Mask – recent reprints

Origin stories: Hashknife Hartley by W.C. Tuttle

  [This is a slightly modified excerpt from an article in the The Pittsburgh Press of Jul 23, 1950.]   W.C. Tuttle, author of the “Hashknife Hartley” stories, admits that the idea for the “Hashknife Hartley” Western adventures was born of a blister but the character is the composite of two men Tuttle knew some… Continue reading Origin stories: Hashknife Hartley by W.C. Tuttle

Altus Press’ first release of James B. Hendryx’s Black John books

Kindle Ebook version Kindle Ebook version Kindle Ebook version Altus Press has released three Halfaday Creek books by James B. Hendryx. The stories are set in Halfaday Creek at the time of the Yukon gold rush. Halfaday Creek is a refuge for outlaws on the run from the law, and is located conveniently near the… Continue reading Altus Press’ first release of James B. Hendryx’s Black John books