Beautiful covers #3 – N.C Wyeth in the Popular Magazine

One of N.C. Wyeth’s cover paintings for The Popular Magazine is up for sale. Root around the sofa cushions, you’ll need your spare change for this one – estimated sale price is from $100,000 – $150,000. You won’t be getting Wyeth’s signature on this one, though, it’s signed Pearson Barnes; the explanation from the catalog… Continue reading Beautiful covers #3 – N.C Wyeth in the Popular Magazine

George Allan England article on running his personal fiction factory

[Article originally appeared in The Independent magazine, Mar 27, 1913 issue. By this time, England was a popular author who appeared regularly in slicks and pulps. He is remembered today for his contributions to the beginnings of modern American science-fiction.] The Fiction Factory How a Man Writes and Sells Over Half a Million Words a… Continue reading George Allan England article on running his personal fiction factory

H. C. Witwer – Autobiographical article from the American Magazine

H(arry) C(harles) Witwer was an author of sports stories in the Popular Magazine. His writing style was simple and direct, similar in his use of slang to Damon Runyon. I’ve enjoyed the stories i read by him, and went looking for some information on him. I found this autobiographical article in The American Magazine, October… Continue reading H. C. Witwer – Autobiographical article from the American Magazine

Gloria Stoll Karn talks on video

Gloria Stoll Karn painted covers for Black Mask, Rangeland Romances, Detective Tales and Dime Mystery. This video was made as part of a recent exhibition of her work; she talks about how she got into pulp illustration. Worth watching.

O’Henry award winning stories – One Head, Well Done by John D. Swain

Another in the series of posts on O’Henry award winning stories from pulp magazines. This is the one that started me thinking about doing the series. John D. Swain’s One Head, Well Done in the , November 1, 1930 issue of Top-Notch Magazine won the O’Henry award in 1931. It was a lucky win, since… Continue reading O’Henry award winning stories – One Head, Well Done by John D. Swain

O’Henry award winning stories – Home is the Sailor by Bill Adams

[I recently read a story from Top-Notch magazine, John D. Swain’s One head, well done in a short story collection of O’Henry prize winning stories from 1931. I decided to take a look at all the stories i had in my collection that had won this prize.] This story was published in Blue Book magazine,… Continue reading O’Henry award winning stories – Home is the Sailor by Bill Adams