Free pulp stories at Munsey’s – selected authors

I haven’t been posting short fiction lately, so I thought you might enjoy this roundup of pulp fiction available from the Munsey’ssite by authors who have been featured on this site (or should have been). Marion Polk Angellotti The Firefly of France   B.M. Bower Ananias Green Cabin Fever Casey Ryan Chip of the Flying… Continue reading Free pulp stories at Munsey’s – selected authors

Interview with Johnston McCulley (creator of Zorro)

Johnston McCulley, Alias Seth Bailey [Originally appeared in the Oakland Tribune, May 20, 1923]   If you have ever read stories written by Harrington Strong, John Mack Stone, Walter Pierson or Camden Stuart, you have read works by the author about whom this article is written – Johnston McCulley. But few authors boast as many… Continue reading Interview with Johnston McCulley (creator of Zorro)

Pulp in the mainstream – two sports pulp articles

Two articles on baseball in the pulps (or should that be the baseball pulps). You decide. Part 1: 6: Have fun.

Pulp in the mainstream – article on Margaret Brundage in The Atlantic magazine

I just came across an article in the Feb 1, 2013 issue of The Atlantic magazine on Margaret Brundage, with cover illustrations from Weird Tales. Thought you might like it as well. See for the full article and information about a forthcoming book on her.

Johnston McCulley (Creator of Zorro) article about writing

[Originally appeared in The Editor, v. 52, Jan-Jun 1920]   Twelve years ago we sold our first story; three years ago we felt that we had “arrived”; at present we cannot begin to supply direct requests from magazine editors for fiction along certain lines. Perhaps that is success in a measure. How was it attained?… Continue reading Johnston McCulley (Creator of Zorro) article about writing

H. Bedford-Jones, King of the Pulps, speaks about his typewriter’s keyboard layout

From the letters column of the Author’s League Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 1918, a letter from H. Bedford-Jones about some typewriter modifications he made to increase his speed. Bedford-Jones was the “King of the Pulps”, writing more than a million words a year. A standard L.C Smith typewriter from the era: The Editor,… Continue reading H. Bedford-Jones, King of the Pulps, speaks about his typewriter’s keyboard layout

Henry Oyen – Reporter, Pulp Author

Henry Oyen was a popular author from the early years of Adventure. He was a reporter before he became an author. You can read a detailed biography of his life here. Bonus:Three full novels by Henry Oyen from Adventure for your reading pleasure: The Snow-Burner Gaston Olaf The Man Trail (Google Books, US only)

Arthur D. Howden Smith – journalist, historian, soldier, pulp author

[Arthur D. Howden Smith was one of the best authors writing for Adventure. He had a tendency to create series – with Captain McConaughy fighting the Germans in World War 1; the sword Grey Maiden repeatedly turning up across history, and Swain the Viking being the three most popular. He was a journalist and historian… Continue reading Arthur D. Howden Smith – journalist, historian, soldier, pulp author

Merry Pulp Christmas

Here are a few articles I rounded up from the web on Christmas and the pulps. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. Christmas in Pulp Magazine Land! Christmas Art – Pulp Magazine style! More Christmas Pulp Covers Merry Christmas – Men’s Adventure Magazine style… (Warning: NSFW)