Had the good luck recently to acquire a complete run of the fanzine Xenophile. Have been reading a few issues, shocked by the low prices and high dudgeon evinced by subscribers at price increases of pulps to as much as $3 for a late 1930s Black Mask issue. Didn’t find it indexed, so this is my… Continue reading Index to the fanzine Xenophile – part 1
Author: Sai S
Encoded messages in the pulps – Adventure and Detective Story Magazine
Came across this, and thought you might find it interesting. Encrypted messages exchanged in Detective Story Magazine, solution was found and is in the comments on the blog. An unsolved encrypted message from a missed person http://scienceblogs.de/klausis-krypto-kolumne/2018/03/19/an-unsolved-encrypted-message-from-a-missed-person/ Around 1920, a US pulp magazine published an encrypted message exchange in its “missed persons” column. The cleartexts… Continue reading Encoded messages in the pulps – Adventure and Detective Story Magazine
Happy Independence Day to my US readers
The Popular Magazine, July 1906 cover commemorating the 130th Anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence Street and Smith always did a good job with seasonal and event themes on magazine covers, putting out New Year, Thanksgiving and Christmas themed covers for a long time from the 1900s to 1920s. This is one of them,… Continue reading Happy Independence Day to my US readers
Jack Ritchie – Detective/Crime Author
I read the October 1960 issue of Manhunt magazine recently, and came across a story by this author. The story is Shatter Proof, and it is a great story. This is the blurb for the story, no interior illustration though it got the cover. Mr. Williams was a civilized man. When the professional hired to… Continue reading Jack Ritchie – Detective/Crime Author
Art of the Pulps wins Locus award
The book, which i reviewed earlier, has won the Locus award for 2018 in the best art book category. Congratulations on a well deserved win for the editors – Doug Ellis and the late Robert Weinberg and their team of all-star contributors. My signed copy of The Art of the Pulps – a great book, and… Continue reading Art of the Pulps wins Locus award
The American Women’s Dime Novel Project
Dime novels were the predecessors of the pulps, bringing cheap fiction to a mass audience of all age groups. They published stories in many genres – western, crime/detective, sports, horror, science fiction and romance being some. Assorted dime novels (image courtesy Skinner Auctions) I read a few, and it may have been my luck, but… Continue reading The American Women’s Dime Novel Project
The last days of the magazine Short Stories
Last week, I reprinted the editorial from the Mar 25, 1940 (50th Anniversary) issue of Short Stories. This week, i just received a copy of the last issue of the magazine, and thought it would be interesting to look at the changes before the magazine ceased publication. It was one of the last pulps, stopping… Continue reading The last days of the magazine Short Stories
Editorial retrospective from the 50th Anniversary issue of Short Stories magazine
[Short Stories is one of my favorite magazines, and i recently got a copy of the 50th anniversary issue, so I decided to put this article online.] ON OUR shelves in the SHORT STORIES offices in Radio City are copies of the little old magazines that were the first numbers of a periodical which first… Continue reading Editorial retrospective from the 50th Anniversary issue of Short Stories magazine
Thornton T. Shively – newspaper article about the author
More about this author’s work on MysteryFile, including some nice comments. Basic biographical information: Full name Thornton Taylor Shively Birth: 26 Feb 1913 in Nebraska Marriage: Susan Elizabeth Collinson on 28 April 1939 in Los Angeles Writing career: Under the pseudonym Thorne Lee, he wrote about 50 stories from 1942 to 1951, almost all in the… Continue reading Thornton T. Shively – newspaper article about the author
Les Savage Jr. – Western author
Recently found this biography of one of my favorite western authors. The biography is by Jon Tuska, and has a photo I’ve never seen before. On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of his untimely death, here it is for you: “Les” Savage Jr. reading what looks like Don’t Cry for me by William Campbell… Continue reading Les Savage Jr. – Western author