[Farnham Bishop was a writer who collaborated with Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur on many short stories and novels for the pulps. He also wrote stories on his own, and wrote non-fiction books as well, writing a history of the submarine, a history of the Mexican-American war and a book on the Panama Canal. More after the… Continue reading Farnham Bishop – Educator, Writer
Author: Sai S
Raymond Chandler – Good biographical article at the Daily Mail, UK
The Daily Mail, UK, website recently posted a long article about Raymond Chandler’s life and how it influenced his work. A new biography of him has been published, and the article seems to be a good summary. You can read the article here. Link to the book below
Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur – Professor, pulp writer
Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur was born on September 18, 1888 in Franklin, Massachusetts. He was the son of Clarence Arthur Brodeur and Mary Cornelia (Latta) Brodeur. His father was then the principal of the State Normal School, Westfield, Massachusetts and had graduated from Harvard. Arthur grew up in Westfield and went to Harvard,… Continue reading Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur – Professor, pulp writer
A celestial laureate – short story by Ernest Bramah
This short story originally appeared in The Living Age, v. 301, 1919. Download the story here.
Ernest Bramah – Humorist, Detective fiction writer
[In which your slow-witted servant recommends to your exaltedness’ attentions the boundless wisdom, lofty morals and incomparable diversions to be found in the stories of the itinerant story-teller Kai-Lung as related by the venerable hermit Ernest Bramah.] Ernest Bramah set his Kai Lung stories in a China that never was, where people spoke in an… Continue reading Ernest Bramah – Humorist, Detective fiction writer
When men were men, and clothes were clothes…
[They could take a beating and come out snowy white.] The “Boss” Washing machine – Advertisement c. 1909
A short history of the Saturday Evening Post by the Curtis Publishing Company
Frederick S. Bigelow wrote this history of the Saturday Evening Post, covering the years 1897 to 1927. It was expanded in 1937, and covers the rise of the magazine from a circulation of 1600 copies in 1897 to about three million in 1937, under the editorship of George Horace Lorimer. It mentions briefly the major… Continue reading A short history of the Saturday Evening Post by the Curtis Publishing Company
Bill Adams poem – a sailor’s prayer
Here is a poem of Bill Adams from the pages of Short Stories dated September 25, 1928. It’s a sailor’s prayer that I thought you’d enjoy. Old Temple of the Deep byBill Adams DON’T want no one sayin’ over me, “Peace to his ashes.”I hopes my mates will bury me at seaWhere long white rollers… Continue reading Bill Adams poem – a sailor’s prayer
The signal – short story by Bill Adams
From Bill Adams, a story of the brotherhood of the sea. It originally appeared in the Feb 24, 1934 issue of the Argosy. Link after the jump. Download it here.
Bill Adams – sailor, short story writer, poet
Bertram Martin (“Bill”) Adams is another forgotten writer who wrote for Adventure. He was a sailor on the clippers (wind powered ships), and retired from the sea when his body could not take the strain of further voyaging. Contemporary critics raved over his work, comparing him to Joseph Conrad, and he was a favorite of… Continue reading Bill Adams – sailor, short story writer, poet