Northwest adventure blog – story reviews, author surveys

Just discovered this new blog (started January 2019, I’m guessing maybe a New Year’s resolution 🙂 on Northwestern stories by G.W. Thomas, the author. Go there and leave a comment saying hello. (clicking on the images will take you to the blog posts).  Some highlights so far: Tom O’Neill is a writer we know almost… Continue reading Northwest adventure blog – story reviews, author surveys

It’s Great to Be Back – new Robert A. Heinlein book to be published this year

Phoenix Pick recently announced that, working with the Heinlein Prize Trust, they have been able to reconstruct the complete text of an unpublished novel written by Robert A. Heinlein. Heinlein wrote this as an alternate text for THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. This text of approximately 185,000 words largely mirrors the first third of the published… Continue reading It’s Great to Be Back – new Robert A. Heinlein book to be published this year

Merle Constiner – biographical article

RARE MOMENT—It seldom happens that writer Merle Constiner is seen away from his typewriter, even for a few minutes. Here in one of those rare moments he is pictured in the living room of his 130-year old home in Monroe. (Journal photo—Barr) This article about one of my favorite historical mystery and western writers was… Continue reading Merle Constiner – biographical article

An inside look at Ziff Davis in the pulp years

An inside look at pulp publisher Ziff-Davis as seen through their house magazine, Z-D Mirror. Three issues from 1951 featuring articles on the beginnings of Ziff-Davis (with photos of both), profiles of office personnel from the operations and publication departments and coverage of the launch of Fantastic. Full scans at the link below:

Richard Deming – Detective/Mystery author

Read a story by Richard Deming in the  August, 1952 issue of Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. The story is “For Value Received” and it’s an excellent revenge story. I wanted to learn something about the author and came across this article in the Dunkirk-Fredonia Evening Observer, July 9th, 1960. If you have any recommendations of… Continue reading Richard Deming – Detective/Mystery author