Blog with world war 1 stories scans

“Field Punishment No.1” is a blog that gather togethers some research on Canada’s war literature. The author is a book collector that became curious about these writers and wanted to know more about them than was contained in their brief bios in the Canadian Encyclopedia and literary guides (where those existed at all) –so he… Continue reading Blog with world war 1 stories scans

M. Leone Bracker – illustrator,poster designer

M(ichael) Leone Bracker was the artist who painted the cover illustration for the first issue of Adventure magazine, for the serial novel “Yellow Men and Gold” by the author Gouverneur Morris. He was a prominent magazine and advertising illustrator who was well known for his war poster designs. Ilustrator M. Leone Bracker c. 1912 He… Continue reading M. Leone Bracker – illustrator,poster designer

Happy Fourth of July to you…

 July 1923 cover for The Elks magazine by Angus MacDonall July 1923 cover for The Elks magazine by Paul Stahr  July 1927 cover for The Elks magazine by Paul Stahr  July 1928 cover for The Elks magazine by Norman Rockwell  July 1931 cover for The Elks magazine by Walters Beach Humphrey… Continue reading Happy Fourth of July to you…

Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel

I was recently looking through some issues of Unknown magazine and came across some illustrations by the artist Creig Flessel. I came across an interview with him, and I didn’t see it linked in any of the usual places. Here it is: Very interesting account of his entire career, including working for Street and Smith… Continue reading Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel

Behind the scenes – how the editorial office worked at Adventure magazine

[This article from Arthur S. Hoffman originally appeared in the February 1, 1927 issue of Adventure magazine. I thought it was an interesting behind the scenes look at how the magazine worked. If you worked on a magazine, let us know what you saw.] LOOKING ABOUT IT MAY be that some of you think our asking… Continue reading Behind the scenes – how the editorial office worked at Adventure magazine