Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel

I was recently looking through some issues of Unknown magazine and came across some illustrations by the artist Creig Flessel. I came across an interview with him, and I didn’t see it linked in any of the usual places. Here it is: http://www.tcj.com/the-creig-flessel-interview/ Very interesting account of his entire career, including working for Street and Smith… Continue reading Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel

Behind the scenes – how the editorial office worked at Adventure magazine

[This article from Arthur S. Hoffman originally appeared in the February 1, 1927 issue of Adventure magazine. I thought it was an interesting behind the scenes look at how the magazine worked. If you worked on a magazine, let us know what you saw.] LOOKING ABOUT IT MAY be that some of you think our asking… Continue reading Behind the scenes – how the editorial office worked at Adventure magazine