Beautiful covers #3 – N.C Wyeth in the Popular Magazine

One of N.C. Wyeth’s cover paintings for The Popular Magazine is up for sale. Root around the sofa cushions, you’ll need your spare change for this one – estimated sale price is from $100,000 – $150,000. You won’t be getting Wyeth’s signature on this one, though, it’s signed Pearson Barnes; the explanation from the catalog… Continue reading Beautiful covers #3 – N.C Wyeth in the Popular Magazine

Gloria Stoll Karn talks on video

Gloria Stoll Karn painted covers for Black Mask, Rangeland Romances, Detective Tales and Dime Mystery. This video was made as part of a recent exhibition of her work; she talks about how she got into pulp illustration. Worth watching.

The Lost God – short story by John Russell – with illustrations

On the occasion of the recent biographical article on John Russell, i thought it would be good to share his most famous story as it originally appeared in a magazine . The story was published in the August 18, 1927 issue of Collier’s magazine; it was illustrated by W. H. D. Koerner. Collier’s magazine, August… Continue reading The Lost God – short story by John Russell – with illustrations

M. Leone Bracker – illustrator,poster designer

M(ichael) Leone Bracker was the artist who painted the cover illustration for the first issue of Adventure magazine, for the serial novel “Yellow Men and Gold” by the author Gouverneur Morris. He was a prominent magazine and advertising illustrator who was well known for his war poster designs. Ilustrator M. Leone Bracker c. 1912 He… Continue reading M. Leone Bracker – illustrator,poster designer

Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel

I was recently looking through some issues of Unknown magazine and came across some illustrations by the artist Creig Flessel. I came across an interview with him, and I didn’t see it linked in any of the usual places. Here it is: Very interesting account of his entire career, including working for Street and Smith… Continue reading Rare interview with a pulp illustrator – Creig Flessel