Ranch Romances, launched in 1924, was the first and most successful western/romance title. Someone once said it was western enough to appeal to cowboy fiction lovers, and romantic enough to appeal to women. The formula lasted nearly five decades; RR was the last of the pulps to die when it ceased publication in 1971. Success… Continue reading Love your style, pulp edition
Category: Westerns
Roe Richmond – Western Writer, Professional athlete, Cowboy
Everybody thinks they know what a western is. Frank Gruber, a long time pulp author with a flair for self-promotion, categorized the western into seven categories: In my reading I’ve come across these plots frequently, but such categorization does disservice to writers who stayed away from these tropes. Like Roe Richmond. That may come as… Continue reading Roe Richmond – Western Writer, Professional athlete, Cowboy
One writer looks at the evolution of the western story
John A. Saxon (1886-1947) wrote mostly western and detective stories in a writing career that spanned more than twenty five years. Working as a law clerk, he wrote stories on the side and was part of a California writing circle that included Robert Leslie Bellem, the author of the Dan Turner stories. ABOUT THE AUTHOR… Continue reading One writer looks at the evolution of the western story
Photos of Walt Coburn’s house in Tucson, Arizona
Walt Coburn was a famous western author in the pulps. He started his career as a writer when his lifetime goal of being a cowboy was ended after an accident. With a little encouragement from author Robert J. Horton, who had heard Coburn’s stories earlier and realized his talent for storytelling, Coburn parlayed his start… Continue reading Photos of Walt Coburn’s house in Tucson, Arizona
L.L. Foreman – Western Author
L.L. Foreman was a frequent contributor to the western pulps from the mid 1930s to the early 1950s. His series character Preacher Devlin started in 1934 and appeared in more than 45 stories till 1949, becoming one of the longer lasting series characters in the western pulps. Coincidentally, Star Western had the Deacon Bottle series… Continue reading L.L. Foreman – Western Author
An interesting issue of Dime Western
I recently got my hands on this issue of Dime Western, at a rather reasonable price too. and was quite happy with that purchase. From the cover, it looks quite ordinary, just like any other issue of Dime Western from the period. After 9 more issues, the magazine would stop publication. There are actually two… Continue reading An interesting issue of Dime Western
Western author Norman A. Fox’s website, maintained by his family
Western author Norman A. Fox (c. 1930s) I recently found an excellent website on the western author Norman A. Fox, a founder of the Western Writers of America. It has a biography and photos of the author, a bibliography of his stories and movies, and even has a video of a presentation on him made… Continue reading Western author Norman A. Fox’s website, maintained by his family
Crazy Cows and Horrified Horses – The western art of George Harrison Wert
I like pulp covers, but i have to confess that most of the people portrayed on the covers had a total lack of expression comparable to the Great Stoneface, Buster Keaton himself. They could be dealing with a rogue elephant, a runaway stagecoach or a snarling man eating beast, and they would serenely confront them,… Continue reading Crazy Cows and Horrified Horses – The western art of George Harrison Wert
Issue Review – Western Story Annual, 1948
[It’s taken only 70 years to get this issue reviewed. Gives me hope that I’ll catch up on my reading someday, and be able to positively answer that question that all of us book and magazine readers and collectors have to endure, namely “Have you read all those books?”] Western Story Annual [1948] (Street &… Continue reading Issue Review – Western Story Annual, 1948
Les Savage Jr. – Western author
Recently found this biography of one of my favorite western authors. The biography is by Jon Tuska, and has a photo I’ve never seen before. On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of his untimely death, here it is for you: “Les” Savage Jr. reading what looks like Don’t Cry for me by William Campbell… Continue reading Les Savage Jr. – Western author